The Cambridge Dictionary defines a womanizer as a man who often has temporary sexual relationships with women or tries to get women to have sex with him. I won’t be surprised if you are probably wondering how the above definition can have anything to do with Christianity as the title appears to suggest. I am also with you but for now, hold your peace and take a walk with me as we go through the write-up.
A Christian is someone who has surrendered his or her life to the Lord Jesus Christ and living according to His word. Unfortunately, some men claim to have accepted the Lord Jesus as their saviour but still indulge in this old lifestyle of theirs. Strangely, other believers who even didn’t have such past experiences have also veered into that slippery lane and have become full-time womanizers.
Many reasons have been given by both the victims and culprits in the womanizing venture to absorb them from any condemnation. Some men have also tried sweeping the phenomena of womanizing under the carpets by calling it names such as a mere weakness they may have to manage and live with until the return of Christ. The objective of the article is to outline some of the reasons womanizers give for indulging in such acts and reflects them in the mirror of God’s word to ascertain their merits.
The write-up looks at men who engage in sexual acts with women other than their duly married wives. It also attempts to highlight some of the unimaginable miseries accompanying the act of womanizing as a lesson for Christian men who have taken one step down that lane. Although focused on men, I believe both sexes can glean lessons from the write-up and also use it to help others. Our sisters must, however, watch out for the flip side of this article titled, “The strange Woman in Worship” in my next episode.
Generally speaking, the traits of womanizing which is fundamentally lust derive their strength from the fallen nature of humankind or the Adamic seed of sin. It can, therefore, be concluded that until Christ begins to rule one’s heart, every man born of a woman is predisposed to the act of sniffing for other women beyond their legally procured partners.
Lust only seeks to magnify the ecstasy of orgasm in one’s mind by exaggerating the end benefits before the act of fornication. Soon afterwards, the reality sets in to realize it was just hype of a promised excitement attached with loads of disappointments, regrets, anguish, loss of appeal and hatred just to mention a few. One wonders whatever came over King David’s son Amnon to maneuver his way through all the odds even to the point of feigning sickness to have an affair with his sister Tamar.
Just after the act, his hatred for her got aroused. “Then Amnon hated her with intense hatred. In fact, he hated her more than he had loved her. Amnon said to her, “Get up and get out!… He called his personal servant and said, “Get this woman out of my sight and bolt the door after her.” So his servant put her out and bolted the door after her...” (2 Samuel 13:15-18).
Environmental factors, one’s upbringing and associates, Socio-Economic status in society as well as fame are usually the fertilizers that help the Adamic seed of lust to germinate and blossom. After accepting and surrendering to Christ, one is expected to put on the new nature and do away with the old.
2 Corinthians 5:18 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” However, some Christian men appear to be still struggling with womanizing. They are still hiding and indulging in it because they view it as something they must manage and live with.
Reasons some believers have given for their inability to close their zips to other women other than their wives are as discussed below;